Thursday, March 12, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Hub brought me out for lunch on my birthday 2 weeks ago. It was a great lunch at Cheesecake Factory, my favourite restaurant here in NC. After which we just spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out and spending my last birthday as couple ; P
It was raining the whole day and we were back before dinnertime, Hub asked where and what I feel like having for dinner....My answer? Why don't you cook something for me? So these were what he whipped up for me....Pasta and salad! I must say Hub's really good at making salad....his sunflower seeds and raisins topped with Champagne dressing...Yum!

We had a lot of fun and laughter preparing the dinner together, I actually enjoyed my dinner more than my lunch ; )
See you don't have to spend a lot of $ to enjoy your meal, it's the company that counts!
My wonderful birthday gift from my loving Hub, it's so thin it's super COOL ; ))

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