I bought a Sunbeam Bread Machine from Amazon (the site which I am addicted to) two weeks back and I have baked 2 loaves so far. The first loaf that I have attempted was the infamous Hokkaido Milk Loaf which did help build my confidence to try something more adventurous : ))
I bought a bread book from Amazon together with the breadmaker, it's " Bread Machine Easy" by Sara Lewis. It's a good book with 70 nice bread recipes which you can easily bake with the breadmaker....good for busy mummy like me!
Baked this today while baby was asleep, managed to put all the ingredients into the machine before he wakes up (I had exactly half hour) And the whole house smell delicious with freshly baked chocolate bread 3 hours later ; P
Breadmaker RockS!!!
Lovely bread. Sigh ... a baby is such joy, but also a full-time responsibility. Can be very tiring. How old is your son?
It is, I have so many photos and posts to blog but my son is so demanding most of the time! He's 7 mths now, what about yours? Sorry for the late reply, somehow my blog comments are not linked to my regular email address anymore. Was surprise by the numbers of comments I have not replied!
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